EXPERIMENT: Spec'g My Projects
If you’re at all like me, you’ve got upward of a few gazillion ideas for projects bouncing around in your notebooks, task management tools, and/or head, and you never get enough time to bring them all to a successful conclusion. I hope you’re not like me in the sense of having many of them half-started and silently nagging you to finish every time you wander into your garage, office, or ~/work directory.
For me, I’ve noticed that a lot of this ultimately goes down to losing track of what I came do. It usually goes something like:
- “I’ve got a day free. It’s time to add that feature to the Foo project.”
- Run the specs and get 971 failures, clustered around 12 core error messages for 3 different gems.
- “Oh, right, I upgraded [something] … well, let’s get everything working again. It’s the right thing to do.”
- Three days of sweaty debugging, learning, and relearning pass. This includes learning how to tune my shell prompt, tweak Rakefiles (like the one for my blog to make a new post), and do a lot of other non-essential things.
- “Well, the specs run clean again and I learned a lot. Guess I’ll add that feature next month.”
Don’t get me wrong; I like the learning, and all the things I end up doing improve some aspect of my life, but I don’t like the unpredictability, the time that I sync into recovery (and not my family, or other projects like BBQ … mmm, BBQ …) and inevitable letdown of not getting the one thing done that I came to do.
I’m going to try a different approach. I’m going to try writing a very short, very lightweight spec for projects that I intend to do, now or sometime in the future. The format will be something like:
PROJECT NAME Goal: A single sentence describing the intent. How I'll do it: - A short list of high-level steps - Each something I can measure the end of - And each of which can provide me focus to finish it I'll know it's done when: - A short list of acceptance criteria - Each being something I can demonstate, preferably automatically - And bonus points if I can automate the acceptance tests quickly I'll need to verify: - Things I believe to be true - That I need to have working before I can get started - So I don't waste time hoping that it all works out I'll need to learn or relearn: - Tech I don't already know - Tech I've used before but has changed a fair bit since last I dived in - Other skills I'll need.
I’ll publish some here, under the SPECS nav above. We’ll see how it goes.
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